Travel Planner

Go digital with your fillable PDF travel planner!!

Your secret weapon to keep all your travel planning & organising completely digital.

Regularly $27

"This product changed the way I plan my travels.

I am able to keep all my travel plans on my iPad with the Fillable PDF Travel Organiser!

I was able to organise all my travel plans, itinerary & budget directly on my iPad. all my checklists were online I didn't have to print or re-print a thing. I think it's fantastic! I would gladly recommend it to all everyone.


What's inside...

Everything you need to confidently create all your travel plans independently.

Step by Step instructions in using the Travel Plan Organiser
  • individual steps to help create YOUR Destination 'DO' List
  • guidance for use of the Travel Budget Planner
  • outline on using the Travel Plan sheets
  • instructions for use of all the checklists

Create YOUR travel plan & keep all you information accessible 
  • a calculating Travel Budget Sheet
  • space to record all your definite travel plans
  • itinerary sheets for you to fill in & keep on your device

Tick off all your Checklists without having to print a thing
  • prioritise your destinations
  • all your lists on your device (pre-travel, carry-on & checked packing lists)
  • keep a list of extra see & do notes, including links to websites

Record your planning & budget details online.

Easy online checklist systems.

Access anywhere in the world.

About Me... Jeanine

Hi I'm Jeanine one half of Lets go a Wandering

I have been travelling independently for over 12 yrs. I have been researching as a profession for over 20yrs, and have turn this skill to travel. I love to plan & research all our destinations finding those popular or hidden places. 

I am very passionate about helping everyone I can have this same experience. Which is why we developed a suite of products to make your 'Independent Travel Planning' journey an exciting journey in itself...

What customers are saying...
Happy Customer

So easy to use, all my plans, budget & checklists can be done on my tablet.

Happy Customer

Great product I can keep track of my travel plans & budget online.

Stop stressing & start travel planning.

Let's recap...

Easy to follow step by step instructions

Pages for your travel plan

A budget sheet that calculates  

A base itinerary that can be personalised

All your checklists easily accessed allowing you to tick off & save to your device

ENJOY your Independently Planned Trip  STRESS FREE!!

Regularly $27 - Get 50% OFF!


  • Question #1 ~ Is this accessible on all devices?
    Answer #1 ~ Yes, as long as you have access to a PDF reader.
  • Question #2 ~Can I use this on my phone?
    Answer #2 - Yes. However, you may find scaling is different on a phone than desktop or tablet.
  • Question #3 ~ Can I print this out?
    Answer #3 - Whilst the Travel Organiser is designed to be an online product, it can be printed out. Be sure to save before closing or printing.

INSTANT access is waiting for you! 

Contact information

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Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1xFillable PDF Travel Planner$27

All prices in USD

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